Volume 35, Issue 2 (2024)
Astronomy and Meteorology
Analysis of the Quasi-Critical Inclination under Third-Body Perturbation
Mohamed Radwan, Ahmed H. Ibrahim, Ghada F. Mohamdien, and Ali G. A. Abdelkawy
Computer Science
Data Collector Selection Ranking-Based Method for Collaborative Multi-Tasks in Ubiquitous Environments
Belal Z. Hassan, Ahmed. A. A. Gad-Elrab, Mohamed S. Farag, and S. E. Abu-Youssef
Earth science
Geomechanical Study of Rock Properties in the Kafr El-Sheikh Formation at Sapphire Field, West Delta Deep Marine, Egypt
Moustafa Mohamed Ahmed Attia, Ali El-Sayed Farag, and Mahmoud Y. Zein El-Din
Geochemical and petrographic Studies of Iron-ore deposits of Timsah Formation at East Aswan area, Egypt
Amr Nappout, Atef M. Hosny, and Ibrahim Hashem Zidan
Mathematics and Statistics
Approximating special monogenic functions in Clifford analysis
Gamal Farghaly Hassan, A. M. Saddeek, and A. A. Atta
Modified Gradient Based Iterative Algorithm for Solving the Generalized Sylvester-Conjugate Matrix Equation over Generalized Centro-Symmetric Matrices
Naglaa M. El-Shazly, Mohamed A. Ramadan, and Marwa H. El-Sharway
Convolution Properties for A Class Defined by q - Al-Oboudi -Derivative Operator
B. M. Munasser, A. O. Mostafa, T. Sultan, Nasser A. EI-Sherbeny, and S. M. Madian
Some New Inequalities for C-Monotone Functions with Respect to ðq;uÞ-Hahn Difference Operator
Yasmen A. A. Elsaid, Afaf A. S. Zaghrout, and Ahmed A. El-Deeb
Some New Dynamic Inequalities Involving The Dyanamic Hardy Operator With Kernels
Doaa M. Abdou, Haytham M. Rezk, Afaf S. Zaghrout, and Samir H. Saker
Comparison Between Two Global Models Approaches for He + H2O Atmospheric Pressure Radio-frequency Capacitive Discharges
Osama Ahmed Shabaek, Farouk Fahmi Elakshar, and Osama Mohamed Yassin