
Corresponding Author

Farrag, A.

Document Type

Original Article

Subject Areas

Botany, Microbiology and Zoology


Drinking water; bacterial indicators; Detection trials; total & fecal Coliform bacteria


In this study eight water samples were collected from three plants, (Al-Arida plant, (3 sample),Shobra-blola plant (3sample), and Meet- maemon plant (2 sample) from AL-Gharbia, Egypt .The results showed that the seasonal variation inheterotrophic and streptococcus bacteria showed the microbial prevalence in raw water of Al-Arida plant, but not detected in filtrated water. On the other hand ,both of total and fecal Coliform bacteria showed microbial prevalence in raw water of Al-Arida plant mean while disappeared in filtrated water. However, Shobra-blola plant and Meet- maemon plant showed seasonal variation in heterotrophic and streptococcus bacteria in a permissible limits. Amazingly new media (Lauryl tryptose broth with mug) has the ability to detect the indicator bacteria in only 24 hr (s). versus conventional methods as Most Probable Number (MPN) and membrane filtration (MF). Accordingly , the pollution level have been indicated as water quality index ,(WQI) for all annual seasons which its arrangement was in descending order as , Winter < Autumn < Spring < Summer respectively .Also, the highest Pollution levels was in winter season as compared with other seasons. This phenomenon may be attributed to the accumulation of wastes of drains which is accompanied by winter stagnant period while lowers water level in River Nile leading to an increase in pollutants loaded and decreased in diluted levels.

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Life Sciences Commons
