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Document Type

Original Article

Subject Areas

Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Physics and Astronomy




Micrometeorological measurements on the Hada Al-Sham region near Makkah were used for determination of the fluxes of sensible heat and momentum by applying profile method derived from Monin-Obukhov similarity theory. Samples of data were selected in a very unstable conditions (summer seasons) in the Hada Al-Sham area, Makkah. Two code programs written according to both Brutsaert (1992) and Businger-Dyear were used. Sensible heat values using the stability correction functions used by Businger-Dyer (B-D-F) were found to be higher (10-14%) than the stability correction functions used by Brutsaert (B-F) between 1100 and 1700 hours (noon and afternoon) on days of September 2002 and June 2003. The roughness lengths Z0 show higher values (0.3-0.5m) using (B-F) on most days for the easterly and SE winds due to the effect of very high rough area (medium height buildings, hills). The roughness length Z0 was found to be related with wind direction. It was noticed from the experiment that the roughness length using the stability correction functions by (B-F) and was more sensitive to any change in wind direction than that used by (B-D-F). The more the sudden change of the wind direction by (B-F) version the more the fluctuations in the roughness length values occure. Finally, the stability correction functions used by (B-D-F) for calculating sensible heat fluxes and stability parameters are more preferable than using the stability correction functions by (B-F) one.

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